In The Mission


Overhearing a conversation, a young woman (straight) and a young man (gay). She tells a serpentine story about how her husband left her and how she held back her tears at the airport, only to cry inconsolably in her apartment. Way she tells it, the man finds it funny. They both laugh, she in a more resigned manner than him, having already had some time pass since the airport.

"So, I'm kind of a mess, my husband left me and I've been crying my eyes out, huge, snot-inducing, eye-swelling tears", she says, in summary.

"You should listen to Madonna. There's this great song she has."

In related news, it was the Mother Of All Street Parties People Dress Up For! SF Pride. 40 years, baby.

We staked out the craziness from above at P-Boss' place (thanks for the hospitality!)

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On The Road

Yeah, that's the title of a tedious book by some guy who used to get drunk at the Vesuvio. I went up north with Sampo, along the coast, just to get out of the city and catch some views, and while didn't feel like writing a novel about it, did take some pics. We were looking for this national state park, the Armstrong Redwood whatever? Fucking couldn't be found! Fine.

Trees! All these fucking trees!

(So that's where the national park should have been, according to Google Maps. Pfft. Photo by Sampo.)

California. Can't take it.

So I'm going to drown myself.

People chilling at the beach, not minding the dead guy.

Nor-Cal Domination.


Can I Kick It?

And, here we are -- my peeps in the city! Setting his feet on San Francisco soil for the first time, it is Chuck Worthington III, taking control of the Bay Area. Boo-yaa!

Yes, you can.