In The Mission

Windowless Samovar

Ha! Clever headline, yeah? This Samovar is on 18th St and Sanchez, and while not our usual tiistaitee hangout, part of the same biz. Somebody plowed in with an SUV. 5 injured. Tea house fucked up. Car totaled. Man!


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In The Photo Booth

These pics make me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Who says photo booths aren't fun! Pusut ja halit kaikille, rakkaat ystävät. Cheers to Thieves.

Not drunk at all. "Look, it's your hand!"

"Everybody look sexy, now!" "Now?" "Now!"

Love you guys.



Victoria movie theater. This place lights up every couple of weeks for two nights or so with some semi-esoteric theme. Then, in the downtime, homeless people park their shopping carts next to the box office and set up camp for the night.

Stick it to The Man!