In The Mission


The weather's been nice of late, sunny days with a bone-chilling wind (which I'm starting to think is "nice weather" in S.F.) If you can get past the wind shear, you're fine. Took a relaxed bike ride tonight with Janne out to Bayview, around the Hunters Point neighborhood. Hunters Point housed the San Francisco Naval Shipyard and they did some nasty shit there, like loading fissile material for the first Bomb onto the USS Indianapolis there in July 1945. Konnichiwa.

No taking photos, either.

After all the war stuff, the site was determined contaminated with radiation. The area is industrial and decrepit. Still, they're planning to build the new 49ers stadium on the site. Huh?

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Vintage Shit

We stumbled on a new vintage store (sort of an oxymoron) on Valencia and 21st called Viracocha. Run by a relaxo dude named Jonathan (who bunks in a kind of an attic space in the back of the store), they have everything from huge wooden tables to red bath tubs to cool lamps and old vinyls. I hear they do some artsy stuff too, poetry and music and whatnot. Hey, it's all good.

Some really cool typewriters scattered around the store.


Matches. Matches! Old school, see?

Some guy made this chair for his mother. Eh?

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The House That Gimp Built

A few blocks away from my apartment lies the old San Francisco Armory. Jesus Christ this place gives me the creeps. It houses these days, which means there is freaky sex shit going on--day and night. You can almost hear the screams and the leather straps hitting butt cheeks outside. I hear one of the dominatrices is seriously not to be messed with (I guess none of them are.)

"Aaaaiiiieeeee! Eeeeeeee!"

I saw a couple run out of there, joyous, the guy hopping over parking meters. Why? Because they got the fuck out!

A sidenote: Two Finnish friends have entered, and won, the Porn Raffle at the Monthly Rumpus. One-year subscription to a site of their choice. With sites like "Everything Butt", what's not to like?

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