In The Mission

Marina Cookout

The Mission crew set out to the Marina to wine and dine with Matej and Petra. Good times were had--the Slovenian iPad experience was not 100% satisfactory, I hear, but check out the drawing thingie!--and great food, as prepared by the resident Mexican. ¡Órale!

Chilis. Don't rub your eyes after doing this. Or go pee-pee.

Spot the chef with the red towel. Also, Slovenian iPad experience.

Balls of cheese? Cheese balls? Doesn't sound right, but great with the soup!

Petra, our hostess with the mostess.

So you slice. And you dice. And you cook for hours.

Matej and Mufti contemplating the universe. No, tortilla chips.

"No, Mufti, it is my tortilla chips that is heaven in a bag."

You will sizzle. You will liquefy. You will make a damn tasty soup!

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